Dr. Jane Tong Delore specializes in treating pain, internal, and skin conditions that are treatable with acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Tong Delore has extensive training in both acupuncture and herbal medicine. She graduated from Five Branches University in San Jose, California with the doctorate degree in acupuncture and oriental medicine (DAOM). Her doctorate thesis focused on researching acupuncture for treating pain and the neurological effects of opioid addiction. She specialized in dermatology and immunology after she completing training by the renowned TCM dermatologist Mazin Al-Khajaji. Dr. Tong Delore possesses the Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology Diploma and is a member of the International TCM Dermatology Association. She is skilled at providing cosmetic facial and hair microneedling treatments.
Dr. Tong Delore is a California licensed acupuncturist. She is passionate about helping patients to recover from their suffering from chronic or acute conditions. Dr. Tong Delore has been practicing traditional Chinese medicine for more than a decade and helped thousands of patients from different parts of the Bay Area.
Recently, Dr. Tong Delore was selected by the “Back-In-Action Pragmatic Clinical Trial” research team funded by the National Institute of Health and Helping End Addiction Long-Term Initiative as one of the research acupuncturists investigating the impact of acupuncture treatments for lower back pain in the senior population.
Before becoming a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Dr. Tong Delore worked full-time with teams of world-class medical doctors at Stanford Hospital and Clinics as a Cantonese and Mandarin medical interpreter and translator, where she acquired years of healthcare experience interfacing with patients and providers and translating medical documents in a wide range of medical specialties in clinics, hospital, emergency settings, and surgeries. Dr. Tong Delore also has experience working in the National Diversity and Inclusion group at Kaiser Permanente to advocate for diversity and inclusion for patients at the national level.
At her current practice, Jane believes the healing process begins with clear communication, treating people with respect and dignity in a secure, trusting, and comfortable environment. Jane named her practice Blossom Acupuncture as a paradigm for the TCM way of life, a beautiful bloom in a positive catalytic sense; when a person is healthy and happy, their surroundings naturally change with them in many positive ways. Jane strives to ease patients’ physical and emotional pain by offering precise diagnosis, treatments, and care so they and their environment can enjoy the beauty of their blossoming time together.